Saral Billing is an integration of custom business solutions, which is dedicated and customized for all kinds of trading business needs for Retail, Whole Sale and Distribution Segments.
Inventory and Trading in Saral Billing migrates manual business management into a digital friendly business process and best built with business domain knowledge and is a very user friendly Billing and Point of Sales (POS) Software.
Unique Features
Complete GST Compliant.
Quick Start single window for all favourite Masters, Transactions and Views.
Purely user friendly single entry Billing and Point of Sales (POS) option.
Suitable for all types of business verticals with Regular, Composition, NRI, Non GST dealers.
Quick Bill – Prepare Counter bill with only 5 ‘Enter’ Key press.
Segment wise company creation with all default settings and reports.
Item with Multiple Classifications like Colour, Brand, Size, etc.. wise billing and stock management for Garments/Textiles/Apparels segments.
GST consideration on item sales rate slabs.
Accounting with Receipts, Payments, Contra vouchers and respective views and books of accounts.
Set multiple Alternate units for items and generate bill for Units.
Inward transaction - PO/DC Inward/Purchase Invoice/Purchase Return.
Outward Transactions – Quotation/Sales Order/Proforma Invoice/DC out/Rejection Inward/Sales Invoice/Sales Return.
Stock Journal Transactions - Stock Transfer/Physical Stock/Stock Issue and Stock Receipt.
Free Quantity for Inward and Outward transactions.
Stock Locations to maintain multiple godowns
Counter billing for multiple counters with individual logins.
Multiple Pre and Post Tax Charge entries.
View last purchase and sales rates while billing.
Various Pricing and Discount options
Item Rate Inclusive/Exclusive of tax.
Multiple Price Grouping with Multiple Discounts.
GST calculation on free quantity.
Item level/Bill level tax and discount option.
Batch with Expiry date/warranty details and Serial No. wise Billing.
Easy Barcode Integration and Generation.
Counter Billing with option to accept Cash/Credit Card/Debit Card/Food Coupons.
Sales Person/Route wise billing and collection.
Sales person wise commission calculation on basis of Quantity/ Bill amount.
Local Language Invoice generation.
Pending orders and Quotation views and its referred details.
Area/State/Route/Pin code/Salesperson wise Party search option.
FIFO, LIFO and Weighted average stock valuation methods.
URD Transactions with credit details.
More than 50 Invoice Printing Formats compatible with all types of printers like Laser, Thermal, Inkjet and DOT matrix.
Various types of Alerts on
Negative cash and bank balance
Credit days and credit limit
Negative Stock, Minimum Stock, Maximum Stock and Reorder stock level
Party ledger without GSTIN
Expired batch to be used
Same item multiple times in an invoice
Sales rate less than purchase rate
Order Based Stock
Sales Rate greater than MRP
Sales Rate less than landing cost
Transaction entry without contact details
Advanced Bulk Payment, Receipt and Counter Receipt entry.
Scrutinise individual Ledgers and -Check Bill-Wise details of a transaction -Do a Daily-breakup of Opening/Closing Balances and track changes
Credit note and Debit note transactions.
Production items additional costing entry and reports.
Walk-In Customers Management.
Date of Birth for party ledgers and birthday remainder.
Start-up notification/alert/remainders for Post-dated vouchers, Credit Points Laps, Birthday Notification and Expiring item details on expiry date.
Views and Reports
Various Stock reports
Stock ledger – where we can get each day wise stock movement.
Stock list - where we can get consolidated Opening, Inward, Outward and Closing stock for mentioned period.
Stock Summary - to get item group wise Opening, Inward, Outward and Closing stock
Location Summary – to get stock details of multiple locations.
Item batch wise Stock Report.
Multiple alternate unit wise stock report
Closing Stock with different Rates such as sales rate, purchase rate and valuation rate
Model Number/Brand Name/Item Category wise stock reports
Item serial number wise stock report
Item ageing view.
Estimated stock duration view.
Books of accounts for Sales, Purchase, Receipt, Payment registers, Cash book, Bank book and Day book.
VAN Loading/Route wise Distribution Report – This is treated as loading report for route wise item delivery.
Item Profit Margin View - Bill wise/Day wise/Monthly/Weekly/Yearly.
Analytical views- Purchase/Sales, Supplier/Customer wise and Item wise to know slow moving, fast moving, products with low margin & high margin.
Flexible report writer option to generate your own reports.
User Login wise transaction summary view.
Consolidated day transactions summary to analyse the progress of business.
Day end sales summary for Thermal Printer 3inch paper
Local/Interstate item wise transaction with stock view.
Billed and Unbilled Item, Route and Customer details.
Negative Stock, Minimum, Maximum and Reorder level stock reports.
Route wise and Sales Person wise sales, collection and outstanding Reports
Sales Man/Area/Street/PIN wise Outstanding Reports with Ageing
MIS Reports and Analytics – fast moving items, Customer/Item History
Collection and Outstanding Report for Route wise, Ledger wise, Group wise, Area wise and salesperson wise with ageing details.
Analytical Views for Customer and Supplier Ledgers, Periodic Transactions Summary.
Balance Confirmation auto E-Mail option.
Route or Salesperson wise Billed and Unbilled list of customers to increase the sales.
Bulk Barcode printing
Day end summary with total sales, purchase, collections, Payments, Expense and Incomes to analyse the day business.
General Added Benefits
Windows Based and Menu Driven.
Multi-tasking – where we can work parallel with multiple tabs for different transactions/masters
Handles large files with ease
Flexible search option.
Very attractive, user wise customizable home screen for easy and quick switching over transactions and masters
Spilt file to split single file into multiple files on period basis
Import Master option to create new company with same existing company masters
Dash board with graphical representation of real time data of your business.
Export provision of all report to Quick, Excel, HTML, Notepad and MS word documents.
Direct Email option for all reports.
Reports customization
Favourite menu creation with frequently used options
Provision to create multiple voucher/transaction formats
Active and Deactivate option for ledgers, Items and Transaction formats
Environment settings to save the settings for future use.
Windows functionality and shortcuts for copy, cut, paste, undo and delete.
Short cut keys for all options to speed up of work and to avoid mouse usage.
Auditor login audit to capture details with audit remarks
Data Backup and security
Software level password authentication.
Company wise user login security.
Transaction wise user password authentication.
Financial Year locking.
Day wise/Yearly transactions locking for user logins
Perform auto data backup on close company.
Perform scheduled data backup on every day.
Auto data backup on intervals
Data Migration from other sources
Masters auto migration and export/import through XML for Tally.
Item and Ledger Master Import and export through Excel.
Item rates and discounts import and export through Excel.
Advanced Features Available in Premium Version
SMS Integration.
Push mails.
Schemes Management.
Weighing Machine Integration for Trading.
Loyalty/Credit Points Management.
Group of Companies.
Counter billing for multiple counters with individual systems.
Voucher formats and stock locations wise user security.
GST Highlights
HSN/SAC code direct search option
GST additional composition cess auto calculation.
GST calculation on free quantity supply
E-Way bill auto generation by uploading JSON file to department E-way portal.
e-Commerce transactions and its returns
Auto Reverse charge calculation for URD inward supplies
Auto IGST calculation on basis of POS(Place of Supply)
Billing and Accounting for Regular, Composition and Non GST dealers.
Digital Signature integration with invoice.
Auto GST consideration on SEZ/STPI/EOU/DTA
Electronic GST credit and cash ledger balance auto fetching from GST portal.
Statutory Reports and GST Returns
GST Computation for monthly/quarterly filing
Direct Returns filing with JSON for GSTR1 & 2, GSTR 3B, GSTR 4 (Composition).
GSTR1 and GST R 2A comparison.
GSTR1 & 2 Department Offline Tool excel template auto generation
Integrated with GSTN APIs for secure and seamless data transfer
HSN/SAC code summary for Items and Services respectively
GST ITC View with common credit view and upload
GSTR submitted details with ARN and ARD auto fetching from the GSTR portal.